Competency Correlation with Washington’s Essential Academic Learning Requirements
Group Dynamics and Communication
- Understand Importance of Working in a Team Environment
- Understand the Etiquette and Importance of Working in a Team Environment
Understand Business and Personal Ethics
- Understand Responsibilities of Employee to Employer and Vice Versa
Aware of Human Resources Issues (discrimination, harassment, and equality)
Understand Methods and Concepts of Problem Solving
- Demonstrate Team Member and Leadership Skills and Techniques
- Understand the Structure of Typical Manufacturing Organizations
Understand Group Structure and Interactions of a Diverse Work Force
Discuss Importance of Organizational Integration in Manufacturing a Product
- Understand the Responsibilities of Line and Staff Organizations
Understand Electronic Communications in Linking Manufacturing Processes
- Can Facilitate Group Meetings
- Write Manufacturing Instructions Logically and Efficiently
- Write and Present Technical Reports
- Establish Customer Needs
Group Dynamics (PDF)
- Describe Measurement’s Role in Manufacturing
- Identify Types of Measurement Used in Manufacturing
- Understand the importance of Calibrating Measurement Equipment
- Select Proper Tools for Measurement
- Convert Units From One Measurement System to Another
- List Characteristics of Measurement Tools
- Perform Measurements with General, and Precision Tools
Describe Common Measuring Errors and Proper Measuring Practices
- Describe Measuring Systems
Measurement (PDF)
Safety and Health
- Follow Safety Manuals, Instructions, and Requirements
- Demonstrate Proper Use of Protective Equipment
- Name and Describe Fire Hazards and How to Control Them
Recognize Unsafe Practices in Forming, Separating, and Combining Processes
- Evaluate Safety and Fitness of Tools, Materials, Fixtures, and Jigs
- Apply American Red Cross CPR and First Aid Procedures
Identify and Classify Hazardous Waste and Proper Collection Methods
Define Ergonomics and Discuss the Impact on Design, Productivity, and Safety
Safety and Health (PDF)
Quality Assurance
- Define Quality in Manufacturing and Explain Importance
- Understand Concept of How Quality can Improve Profit
- Apply Principles and Tools of Continuous Quality Improvement
Understand and Apply Statistical Process Control (SPC) to Monitor Production Process
Evaluate Data to Monitor Production Processes to Customer Satisfaction
Analyze Consumer Problems Caused by Manufacturing and Recommend Solution
- Establish Methods, Plans, and Procedures to Maintain Quality
Quality Assurance (PDF)
Print Interpretation
Interpret Notes and Dimensions to Determine Sizes, Materials, and Other Requirements
- Identify and Explain Basic Items in Detailed Drawings
- Identify Basic Types of Drawings and List the Purpose of Each
Interpret Drawing Elements Regarding Layout, Plan, Production and Inspection
Print Interpretation (PDF)
Shop Skills
- Display Knowledge of Basic Shop Math
- Show Working Knowledge of Fundamental Shop Skills
- Understand How Tools and Fixtures are Used in Manufacturing
- Demonstrate Use of Common Machine Tools
Demonstrate Basic Skills of Fabricating, Assembling and Testing a Product
- Demonstrate Proper Use of Basic Metal and Wood-working Tools
- Select Appropriate Tools for Layouts and Inspection From Prints
- Demonstrate Basic Electrical Wiring Skills
Identify Tools and Procedures to Form, Cut, Finish, Fasten, and Repair
- Demonstrate Fundamentals of Chemical Processes in Manufacturing
Know How to Lessen the Need for Layout and Inspections with Work-saving Devices
Shop Skills (PDF)
Business Economics
- Define Terms Profit and Loss and Explain Why Profit is important
- Discuss Impact of Customer Satisfaction on Overhead and Reputation
- Understand Real and Hidden Costs of an Accident
- Define Term Value Added
- Understand Impact of Learning Curve on Costing and Pricing of Products
- Name Factors to Consider When Determining Unit Cost and Unit Price
- List Types of Employee Benefits Commonly Provided by Industry
Understand Cost and How Collection and Reporting Systems are Structured
Define Overhead and List Elements that can be Included
Business Economics (PDF)
Resource Management and Manufacturing Computing
- Understand How and Where Computers are used in Manufacturing
Demonstrate Knowledge of Computer Software Applications in Manufacturing
- Understand How Production Rates are Determined
Understand Inventory Control, Material Forecasting and Capacity Planning
Knowledge of Word Processing, Spreadsheets, Database, Statistical, and Graphic Software
- Understand and Apply Budgeting and Master Scheduling Techniques
Resource Management and Manufacturing Computing (PDF)
Product and Process Control
Define Product and Process Control and Explain the Importance of Each
- Apply Statistical Techniques to Monitor and Improve Processes
- Explain Just-in-Time Inventory
- Explain Factors that Affect Work in Progress
Design a Flow Diagram for Producing a Product
Define Roles of Designers and Engineers in Development of a Product
- Explain the Importance of Configuration Control
- List Major Factors in Process Planning
- Understand Design for Producibility Concept
Product and Process Control (PDF)
Labor and Industry
Understand Labor’s Role In Employee Wages, Benefits, and Safety Issues
- Understand Role of Labor Unions in the Economy
- Know What a Grievance Is and How It May be Pursued
- Know What a Shop Steward Does
Understand Protections of Collective Bargaining and a Negotiated Contract
- Understand Role of a Union Member
Possess Knowledge of Labor History and Why Labor Unions Were Formed
Labor and Industry (PDF)